Weekly Show

VIDEO | President’s disapproval rating grows as he replaces Health Ministers

Also featured: The state of the vaccination campaign in indigenous Xingu lands and an homage to the Women of the Coco

Brasil de Fato | São Paulo |
Journalist Pamela Oliveira hosts our weekly English-language show featuring the latest news and fun facts about Brazil - Screen capture/Brasil de Fato

This week, in What’s Happening in Brazil, we take a look at president Jair Bolsonaro’s soaring disapproval rating, which jumped 8% in just one week. His is considered by a majority of the population to be the main culprit behind Brazil’s worsening coronavirus pandemic, which has led to the deaths of nearly 290,000 Brazilians. His recent replacement of an army general for a cardiologist to head the Health Ministry, is indicative of how even those in the executive branch, after an entire year of minimizing the severity of the situation, are beginning to attempt to make amends with the population.

In our Story of the Week segment, we will analyze the state of the vaccination campaign inside indigenous Xingu lands, Brazil’s largest officially demarcated native territory. These efforts have faced many obstacles, such as vaccine storage and transportation, as well as rampant negligence on behalf of the Federal government. Indigenous communities themselves have been at the helm of the vaccination program to make up for the lag created by the authorities, and to ensure that their members are being taken care of.

In our Culture Talk segment, we will be introduced to the Women of the Coco, whose ancient rhythms are inspired by rural life and imbued with indigenous as well as African influences. Led by master Edite, a community elder who has been keeping this musical tradition alive for decades, the Women of the Coco are spreading their music and life experiences throughout the state of Ceará, and Brazil as a whole.

Lastly, to wrap things up, in our Brazilianism segment, we will teach you and easy to prepare and delicious local recipe, as well as showcase some quality Brazilian beats. Enjoy the show!

All What's Happening in Brazil episodes are available at Brasil de Fato's YouTube channel, where you'll also find a special English-content playlist.

Partners who wish to include a longer version of the show in their schedule may contact our international team at [email protected] or send a WhatsApp message to +55 11 993 055 156.

For more news about Brazil and our region, visit our website.

Edited by: Ítalo Piva