Coup acts

Commission of Inquiry resumes investigation into January 8 coup acts in Brazil

Former deputy director of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin), Saulo Moura da Cunha, was the first to testify

Translated by: Lucas Peresin

Brasil de Fato | São Paulo (Brazil) |
The rapporteur of the Joint Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the 8th of January, senator Eliziane Gama (Social Democratic Party - state of Maranhão), and the chairman of the Commission, deputy Arthur Oliveira Maia (União Party - state of Bahia) - Edilson Rodrigues/Agência Senado

The Joint Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPMI) that investigates the coup acts of January 8 in Brazil resumes its activities this Tuesday, August 1, after the parliamentary recess, with the testimony of the former deputy director of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin) Saulo Moura da Cunha.

On the eve of the attacks by Bolsonaro supporters on the buildings of the Three Powers, Abin sent a report to the federal government informing about possible crimes. At the time, Cunha held the position of deputy director of the agency, where he remained until March 2.

In five requests for Cunha's testimony, senators and deputies argued that the deponent will be able to talk about the reports, which supposedly would not have been taken into account by the former Secretary of Public Security of the Federal District, Anderson Torres, and by the Army general who headed the Planalto Palace security unit, Gustavo Henrique Dutra de Menezes. In addition, information exchanged through a WhatsApp group — created to exchange intelligence data more quickly —, there were members of the Institutional Security Office (GSI); the ministries of Justice and Defense; the Army and Navy; the former Infrastructure section of the Federal District Security Secretariat; and the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT). The authorities that were previously informed and the direction given to the notices must also be indicated by Cunha.


On the day of the coup acts, Saulo Moura da Cunha held the position of deputy director of Abin, where he remained until March 2 / Leonardo Prado / Chamber of Deputies

Before January 8, most of the alerts produced by Abin referred to the concentration of protesters in front of military units in the country's capitals, the blockades of federal highways and the "call for protests in front of refineries and distributors".

"The prospect of joining the protests against the result of the election called to take place in Brasilia on the 7th, 8th and 9th of January 2023 remains low. However, there is a risk of violent actions against public buildings and authorities. Of note is the call by caravan organizers for the movement of protesters with access to weapons and the manifest intention of invading the National Congress. Other buildings located on the Esplanade of Ministries could be the target of violent actions," says one of the alerts issued on January 6.

:: Moraes manda soltar Anderson Torres; ex-ministro terá que usar tornozeleira eletrônica ::


A report by O Globo showed that military officials claimed that the reports had insufficient information and that they were sent informally. Abin, on the other hand, says that the data were forwarded "through appropriate channels, decided in advance and jointly". 

The testimony of Anderson Torres

Members of the Joint Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry also heard Anderson Torres, former Secretary of Public Security for the Federal District and former Minister of Justice, as informed by the commission's rapporteur, Eliziane Gama (Social Democratic Party - state of Maranhão), in the morning of Tuesday, August 1st. The date of the deposition has not yet been determined, but it should take place next Thursday, August 3rd, or Tuesday, August 8th.

Torres was pre-trial detained between January 14 and May 11 at the 4th Military Police Battalion of the Federal District. He had his arrest requested by the Federal Police and confirmed by the majority of the members of the Federal Supreme Court. In the decision, Minister Alexandre de Moraes declared that Torres demonstrated connivance and omission in relation to the coup acts.

During the terrorist attack on public buildings in Brasilia on Sunday, January 8, Torres was on vacation and traveling to the United States. Shortly after the attacks began, he was removed from office.

Today he is monitored by an electronic anklet and is observing precautionary measures. The imposed restrictions include a ban on keeping in touch with others investigated in the case, accessing social media and being absent from the Federal District. In addition, he must stay home at night and on weekends.

Former Minister Anderson Torres was imprisoned for 117 days / Marcelo Camargo / Agência Brasil

Four days before he was arrested, on January 10, the Federal Police (PF) found in his residence a draft (proposal) of a decree intended for then President Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party), with the aim of establishing a state of defense in headquarters of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) to illegally reverse the election result, in which Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) won. 

The draft was included in the Superior Electoral Court’s investigation into Bolsonaro’s attack on the electoral process during a meeting with ambassadors, which resulted in the former president’s ineligibility. By including the document, the Minister of the Superior Electoral Court, Benedito Gonçalves, stated that the inclusion "converges with his burden of convincing that, in line with the narrative presented in the initial petition, the meeting held with the ambassadors must be analyzed as an element of the 2022 electoral campaign, endowed with sufficient seriousness to affect the normality and legitimacy of the elections and, thus, configure abuse of political power and misuse of the media".

:: Abin identifica financiadores de 103 ônibus para atos golpistas em relatório enviado à CPMI ::


Edited by: Nadini Lopes e Vivian Virissimo