Washington and Brasília signed agreement after 20 years of negotiations, amid concerns about Brazil's sovereignty
Men were arrested this morning in Rio, but it is still unclear who ordered the execution
Thousands of demonstrators took to the street in all states; 50,000 gathered in São Paulo
Neudicléia de Oliveira, an activist with the Movement of People Affected by Dams, received the letter in Curitiba
Brazilian women will take to the street to celebrate Marielle Franco’s legacy and attack the government
Ideology of armed forces is likely to go against people’s interests when it comes to pushing policies, historian says
Brazilians all over the country wore costumes alluding to dummy candidate scandal involving president’s PSL party
Brazilian landless leader attended the International Peoples' Assembly in Caracas
Brazilian top court could lose authority if it doesn’t take up a “rebel” stance, experts say
For many, Carnival in Brazil is more than just a party, it's an opportunity to make a political statement